Install WordPress Pete for Ubuntu:
- Install Docker
- Install GIT
- Browse to the folder where you want to install WordPress Pete and then clone the project using GIT
cd /Users/yourusername/Sites
git clone
- Run the docker application and then run the following commands from the terminal:
cd /Users/yourusername/Sites/wordpress-pete-docker
docker-compose -f ubuntu.yml up --build
- Wait until the docker build command finishes
- open:
Check the installation video for macOS:
Access to apache container console:
docker-compose -f ubuntu.yml exec apache /bin/sh
Access to mariadb container console:
docker-compose -f ubutu.yml exec mariadb /bin/sh
Stop docker containers:
docker-compose -f ubutu.yml down
WordPress Pete Settings:
Supported PHP versions: 7.4, 8.0, 8.1