1. Make sure you have imported your site into WordPress Pete correctly. For this example, we will use the saveaplaya.org site
2. We will make sure that we have the WordPress + Laravel plugin for WordPress Pete installed. You must have the standard license to be able to install this plugin
3. We will click o on the left menu tab on “WordPress + Laravel” and fill in the fields accordingly. For this example, we are going to do an integration in the same domain of an app called “dashboard”. The files of this Laravel app will be installed inside the WordPress folder
4. Once the process has finished you can access the examples built-in within the Laravel app that allows you to access the WordPress code. We make sure we are logged into the site
5. Check the code that has been used for each example and hack it to your needs.
6. It’s good practice to have a WordPress Pete installation for every major WordPress project you’re working on, so in this case, it’s called saveaplaya. Now is the time to get the best of both worlds and boost your development capacity by up to 10x with WordPress and Laravel.